Ancient philosophy recognizes the interconnectedness between humans and the larger universe, viewing the human body as a microcosm of nature's forces, in contrast to Western medicine's reductionist approach that treats the body as separate mechanical parts.
When it comes to wellness, any disruption in the energetic harmony can throw us off balance and lead to dis-ease or illness. While Western medicine focuses on chemical imbalances, Eastern philosophy shines a spotlight on the imbalance of Qi (energy) as the culprit behind our health woes.
Amid life's vibrant dance, our intuitive, mental, and emotional energies often go unnoticed. While we master technology, let's remember the profound link between nature's energy, our inner patterns, and human consciousness. Elevate your awareness and join the cosmic symphony!
Embrace the dance of vital energies that power your body and bring harmony. Jing ignites your spark, Qi/Blood flows in balance, Body Fluids harmonize like ocean tides, and Shen keeps your mind vibrant.
Orbits are the essence of vitality and reside in the dynamic rhythm of Qi, CHI, or the mesmerizing "energy" that pulses through your very essence, infusing every fiber of your being with vibrancy and life. Embrace the invitation to this playful realm and unlock the boundless potential that awaits, ready to invigorate your mind, body, and spirit.
TCM, a timeless healing tradition that has stood the test of time for thousands of years. With its roots deeply embedded in ancient wisdom, TCM has been the life-saving mainstream therapy in China for over two millennia, transforming millions of lives along the way. Discover the secrets of TCM, a comprehensive healthcare system that embraces healing, longevity, and vibrant health. In the 1970s, TCM began its exciting journey to popularity in the United States, captivating the hearts and minds of those seeking balance and well-being. Experience the essence of TCM as it harmonizes the delicate dance between health and disease, aiming to restore and maintain equilibrium. Immerse yourself in the holistic approach of Eastern Medicine, where the focus extends beyond symptoms, delving into the very core of wellness. Get ready to unlock the profound efficacy of TCM and embark on a transformative journey to holistic healing.
Acupressure is a vibrant healing modality that is deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom of China. It operates on the principle of activating specific acupoints along the meridians, which helps correct the imbalance of Qi, the vital energy within the body. Originating centuries ago, acupressure has stood the test of time as one of the renowned therapies in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Its purpose is to offer people a means to treat a wide range of diseases and enhance their quality of life, taking into consideration the economic aspects as well. By stimulating the designated points along the meridians, acupressure has the potential to alleviate pain at local sites, providing targeted relief. Experience the transformative power of acupressure as it harmonizes your energy flow, rebalances your being, and unlocks the path to holistic well-being.
About Medical Grade JewelryÂ

Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Sheila Campbell and I'm one of the founders of Rose Thorn. Today, I'm going to be talking to you about Rose Thorn signature line. You're probably wondering what is medical-grade jewelry, and I'm here to tell you. Each of our signature collection to come with different acupressure point prescriptions. So as you can see, on our signature line, each piece is designed for beauty, but has your health in mind. A really beautiful, luxurious line designed with point prescriptions and pellets on the back to put the power to heal in your hands.

Hello, everyone. Here is one of our signature pieces. It's the dragon. And the dragon is really here to help you step into your royal nature, your creative power. It's an embodiment tool. In Daoism, the dragons are extremely revered, and so what we've done is this piece is one of our stronger stimulating pieces. There's the tail that's going to give you strong stimulation, and then on the back, there's the pellet that's going to be a little bit of a lighter stimulation. So for you brainiacs and people that like to move high power, high fashion, you're going to take this piece at the bottom and I'm going to show you one of my favorite point prescriptions to use to really get all of my creative juices into my head. So you're going to take your two thumbs like this and you're going to find the apex of your ear. So that's the top, the very top of your ear. And then you're going to take your two thumbs and you're going to go right to the top. So you're creating this shape as you go to the top, and then you're going to find the center of your head. You're going to find the center of your head by going into right in the center of your nose. So when I'm imagining a north and a south pole, it's really connecting to the energetics of the Sun and then connecting to the energetics of the Earth. Or you can do north, west, east, south. So after you've done the front and the back, then you're going to pull the dragon forward again. So it's almost like you're playing chess, and then you're going to go to the sides.And so this is called [foreign language 00:01:33]. And [foreign language 00:01:37] is four points around due 20. And this is all about bringing forward your creative life force energy into your head, your clear energy into your head, your clear focus. Pull this creative energy, this life force energy up into your brain. And you always want to be making and moving your decisions from a very grounded, energetically stable place. And that is what the dragon is here to help us do. It's not just about you connecting to your creative energy and your core. It's about you gathering creative energy from the earth. So you're imagining yourself nice and rooted, and you're pulling creative energy through your body, all through your organs, your body, your mind, your energy, and into your head. So creativity is all around us. We always can be inspired by the elements around us. And part of the Chinese medicine practice and the Daoist practice is how do you draw energy from around you? How do you breathe in the energy from around you?If my energy from inside is leaving my body and going into another person and it's not love, then I have work to do. Because we can be feeling ourselves, we can be feeling all of our emotions. But at the end of the day, the integrity that I have for myself is that I always want to show up with kindness, love, and compassion. And so I like to just sit there and meditate with the dragon and really press into that point and get myself into a loving, compassionate, kind place where I can set my boundaries with love and intention to protect my heart, but not from an angry place. From a very strong, very self-love, very compassionate place.I love using the pellet of cleansing my heart space. And so this is PC-8 right in the center, and this PC-8, pericardium eight, the pericardium is the heart's protector. So I like to just press my dragon into PC-8, and I like to really set the intention and set the space for any energy that my heart may have picked up to just be cleansed out of my body. So any energy that I may have picked up from other people, shaking their hands, any energy that I have from myself of my own emotions that are not in the highest order.I'm going to show you one of my favorite tricks to really get into my self-love and my empowerment. So what this point prescription is going to do is it's going to get all of your creative energy and it's going to pull it into your head. And I love using my creative power anytime that I'm doing my business stuff, anytime I'm planning out my finances for the year. Remember the dragon is all about prosperity and power. So what you're going to do is you're going to take your thumbs like this. You're going to find the apex of your ear, that's the very tip-top of your ear, and then you're going to go right into the center of your head. When you get to the center of your head, you're going to take your finger and you're going to draw a line in the center of your face all the way back. Remember, it's the center of the head, center of the face.Then you're going to take the tail of the dragon and you're just going to press it right there. As you're pressing it, you want to take a deep inhale breathing from the bottom. So this is called your [foreign language 00:04:59]. You want to bring your [foreign language 00:05:02], your creative power, that royal energy, self-love masterpiece that you are, you're bringing it up all the way through. This is a little bit different than the chakra system that a lot of people are used to learning about. This is the channels and the meridians. And so what we're doing is we're really breathing into what we call the Ren and the Du channel. That's the circuitry from the front to the back. And you're pulling that energy all the way up into your head, and this is going to help you focus, it's going to help you remain strong, it's going to help you remember your royal nature.So then after you've done about three breaths pulling your creative energy up, you're going to take your thumb and it's called one finger breath, which is an interesting term. But you're going to take one finger, your thumb and put it right where the base of the dragon, and then you're going to take the dragon and you're going to move it right in front of the thumb. And then you're going to again do about three to five breaths. And as you're breathing these three to five breaths, what I like to do is I like to imagine myself not just pulling my creative energy from my core and my [foreign language 00:06:08]. I like to pull creative energy from the earth. So what I like to visualize is what does the earth need? How can I help the earth? How can I pull that creative life force energy from the earth? And how can I use my body as a vehicle to create prosperity for myself, to create self-love for myself, to create empowerment for myself?And then you're going to go to each side, so it's called [Chinese 00:06:32] in Chinese, and you're going to go to each side of the head. So it's going to be like a north, west east, south, almost like a compass. As you're really manifesting, pulling in, creating this life force energy, you're imagining going to the different directions, to the north, to the west, to the east, to the south, to the center. So it's like you're creating a center pole for yourself. And then you're creating all of this creative life force energy, channeling it from the Sun, pulling it through your body, connecting it to the earth. And it's your creative power, your life force energy that's not just moving through your body now. Now it's moving through the earth. And as your creative energy is moving through your body and moving through the earth, this is where really doorways, pathways, you connect to the right people, you're around the right people, and that is the power of the dragon.

Today I am going to be talking about the serpent. So the serpent is here to remind us that life is always in transformation. And at any moment, in any day, in any second, you can literally just shed your skin and become something completely different than you are. What is so special about the serpent is really understanding that you are the antidote to your own pain. That you can heal anything, you can grow through anything, and you can always reach your highest potential. So what's beautiful about the serpent is serpents strike when necessary, and then they move slowly when necessary. So it's really you trying to understand when do you need to slow your life down and just pave a new way for yourself or carve a new path for yourself? And when do you need to defend yourself?
We love the serpent. It has a pellet on the back. You can use this point right here for a stronger stimulation. Then who doesn't love a little third eye diamond? I am obsessed with bigger views, bigger vision, understanding bigger relationships. Sometimes when we're in relationships or we're connecting with people, we get so in the moment and we're just speaking from the moment instead of looking at what is the bigger picture of my life? What is the bigger picture of this relationship? I really love working with the serpent's energy to really understand that.
The other beautiful thing about the serpent in more of a yogic philosophy is the Kundalini that sits at the base of our spine is that energy that moves. And in medicine, on all the hospitals, you guys can see the medicinal serpents. So those medicinal serpents come up, and that's actually the Kundalini energy. So it's that energy that sits at the base of our spine and it moves up into our head. And then it protects us when you study the different philosophies. So the wings seen in Western culture, it's that extended view of what is. So anytime that you're going through a healing journey or a healing transformation, it's really amazing to understand that philosophy. If you're feeling called to go deeper into sacred sexuality, that energy, that masculine and the feminine energy, that Kundalini energy, that sexual energy wakens inside of you, and then you get kind of feeling orgasmic inside of yourself without anyone touching you. It's just this energy, this orgasmic energy that moves through you and that is your Kundalini activated and awakened.
To work with that energy to really understand that circuitry that goes from the front to the back, I love using... There's the entry points and the exit points.
Immaculate Heart

Hello, everyone. I am here today to talk to you about the Immaculate Heart. The Immaculate Heart is actually one of my absolute favorite pieces that we've designed, because when your spirit is strong, the Immaculate Heart will always lead the way. And so you can really stay in tune with your center, the center of your being, the center of your core. And in that center of your being, in the center of your core, what happens, really, is all of your emotions, your emotion, your energy and motion, it communicates to the heart. And the heart is actually the filter that deciphers the information coming from other people, it's the filter that deciphers the information that you're feeling inside, and projects it onto other people. So really having an Immaculate Heart is how are you connected to the doorway of yourself and the doorway to other people? And how do your actions arise from more of a moral compass of what you're feeling in your whole body, your whole core, not in a moment of your emotions, your energy and motion moving. So how do you take that time and tune into yourself?And if you understand Taoism or you understand Chinese medicine, it's such a beautiful philosophy of really holding yourself to a high standard to hold yourself accountable to your highest potential. So if you're shouting, the heart is a pathway, a doorway that opens to the tongue. If you're shouting, the liver has taken over, anger has taken over. If you're whining, or you're weeping, or you're shouting, there's different ways that your emotions, these other officials of the body, take over, and it overthrows the heart. So even if you're angry, you don't have to shout. You can process the anger. You don't have to feel it inside. If we let these emotions turn and spin inside, that's when it really turns into chronic illness as we go on. That's one etiology. There's a lot of other different ways that we can get sick, but our emotions are one way that we can definitely get sick.So a way that the emotions can really take over the spleen and the stomach is people that have irritable bowel syndrome or they have irregular digestion, it's because that is one way that you can get those different symptoms of your digestive system not working properly. Or you might not be thinking clearly, like you think you're paranoid about other people, or you have so much fear of what are they going to do or what's going to happen. And that's not your heart being in charge and your heart leading the way.So, the Immaculate Heart has two pellets on it, and this reason for the two pellets on it is so you can swing it to either side. And this is just really... I love Ren 15 and 17 working with this. So 15 is at the bottom of the sternum, and 17 is halfway, middle of the nipples on male or female, you just go right in the center, and that is Ren 17. That's going to be the heart protector and then the alarm point of the heart. So I like hitting both of those, and then I swinging into lung 1. So swinging into lung 1 is a window of heaven point, so it's going to give me a bigger view.So I love using the window of heaven points to get me into a bigger view, where I'm not just in my body, or feeling all my feelings in a big way. I like to swing in and I like to press into this point. And as I'm pressing into this point, I like to just open myself up to see a bigger view, to open myself up to the universe, to open myself up to a breath of fresh air. So that's my first point where I'm like, okay, my heart needs to have a little bit of a breather.